PROCE55 has been developing in real practice since the very beginning, in the environment where it necessary to reflect swift changes and continuously optimize processes, in the environment requiring a rapid return on investments, simple operation and reliability.
Our knowledge and skills acquired at the most advanced markets in the field of automation, in symbiosis with our own word-class automation tool PROCE55, give our customers key competitive advantages, abilities such as:
- automation in a very flexible and effective way and integration with real end-to-end processes including those, which are not covered in package software applications;
- significant simplification in management and operation of processes for other software applications;
- unprecedentedly flexible reaction to dynamic changes in real processes.
All of that with exceptionally favourable cost-benefit ratio.
PROCE55 is a stable and proven technology running without failures for years even in the most challenging environment.
PROCE55 application covers critical business processes mainly in the field of production and logistics, but also financial, purchase and sale processes during 24-a-day operation.
They are integrated without interface breakage with various applications (including ERP such as SAP, Oracle, Microsoft), systems and technologies (including PLC - industrial computers used for automation and operation of machinery and equipment).
Typical scenarios for usage of PROCE55 include automation projects in rapidly changing environment, directed by production and logistic managers in the position of process owners. They require a specific solution, which would differentiate them from their competitors, change and optimize current processes and make better use of the existing IT infrastructure.
That is the reason why was PROCE55 mentioned by an analytic company Gartner as the best-practice (report: Liberate Your Business Processes From Your ERP With BPM for Agility).